The Day to Day excitement of Anthony Brown

Friday, April 08, 2005

Turning Japense

Well its about 11.30pm here and we just got back from a tiny island called Miya Jima which is just off the coast of hiroshima. We took the Shinkansen [bullet] train to Hiroshima and then a little tram and ferry to the island. It was pretty touristy during the day but we stayed the night in a little hotel and it was very cool. A crazy lady looked after us and feed us lots of raw fish and rice. Then when we woke up she came into our room and feed us more raw fish and rice.

Anyway today we went up the top of the mountain and hung with the monkeys and dear. Then a short trip to see where the A bomb went off and visit the A bomb dome and a train back to tokyo. Thats about it for the diary of events.

A day round tokyo tomorrow and no raw fish for a couple of days as I am on overload.

Good Stuff
Bullet train
Raw fish
Little boxes of food sold on railway platforms
Friendly drunk guys on the Tokyo underground
Vending machine ice cream

Bad stuff
Too much raw fish
Not enough time
No innocent smoothies


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